Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fullness of Joy-Psalm 16:11

        "You make know to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." I wanted start out this post with the verse Psalm 16:11 because that has basically carried me through my time here in Honduras. I am blown away by how much the Lord has already taught me in the past 7 weeks here.
        I think the biggest thing I have learned is how much I need the Lord to carry me through the day hour by hour. I could not have made it even close to this far had Jesus not been with me every step of the way. I have fallen in love with Jesus so much more because I know that he is the one that is strengthening me day by day and hour by hour. I have definitely seen his power being made perfect throughout all of my weaknesses. I have had many moments where I never want to leave Honduras but also many moments where I longed to be at home with my family or at Auburn with my friends, but that is why Psalm 16:11 has carried me through a lot of this trip because I know that no matter where I am in the world and no matter who I am with as long as I am in the presence of Jesus my joy will be complete and full beyond my human understanding. I have definitely felt that joy while being here in Honduras. I have never been more at peace about the future things to come in my life than I am now because I know that Jesus will make known to me the best possible path for my life and I know that as long as I am in the will of the Lord I will be the happiest I can possibly be on this earth. What a promise it is that no matter what we have, where we live, or who we are with, we will have joy and happiness to its fullest extent as long as we give our lives into the hands of God and follow Jesus with our whole heart. Does that mean life will be smooth sailing from here on out? No, not by any means, but when your joy is dependent upon someone that never changes through the ages, someone that has a perfect love to offer, someone that is faithful to see your good through to the end, someone that gives you provision through your deserts/valleys of life, you will find yourself rejoicing in the suffering and taking heart in the hard times that they are working for your good because your hope is in someone who has overcome the world and in a love that nothing in this world or under this world or above this world can separate you from it. These have been the promises that I have been clinging too over these last 7 weeks and let me tell you my joy has been made complete in the Lord's presence. I hope that this is encouraging to those of you who have read this far. I want to leave you with one verse to grasp in the times that are discouraging for you or your walk of faith, it is John 16:33, " I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take hear; I have overcome the world." 
            Now onto an update of my activities. I am now finally in La Ceiba after 6 weeks of language school in Siguatepeque. I am working in a medical clinic during the week amongst other things. Today was my first day in the clinic and I had a great time! I am very excited to continue my work in the Medical Clinic and learn more and more about medical missions. My week from here on out will look like this: Mondays I will do ESL which means I will teach people here English as a Second Language (ESL). I am very excited about the opportunity to teach ESL and I look forward to working with people of La Ceiba. Tuesdays I will be working in the clinic from 8 am to 2 pm then I will help with Kids Club which is basically a once a week VBS for kids of the community of Armenia Bonito. Wednesdays and Thursdays I will be working in the clinic from 8 am to 2 pm then have the rest of the day free. Fridays we have a team meeting then we can help with the street children ministry after. Saturdays are off days. Sundays we have gringo (Honduran term for white people) church with our team and then at night go to a local Honduran church. I am very excited to get into a full on routine of building relationships with the people of Honduras as well as learning more about the people of La Ceiba.
            I would love if you would pray that I will adjust well to my new schedule and that I will put my whole heart into spreading the joy that I have found in Christ. Pray that the Lord would be the first thing people notice about me. Pray that Katie Scott would be forgotten and that Jesus Christ would be known through me and my time here in La Ceiba. I would also appreciate some prayer that I would be able to sleep a lot of you know that I do not ever sleep well even in the states, so pray that I would lie down and sleep in peace feeling rejuvenated when I wake up in the mornings. 
          Thank you for your many prayers and support throughout all of my time in Honduras. I could not do this trip alone. Having you faithful prayer warriors behind me has made this trip so much easier because I know that my needs are constantly being brought before the Lord. I pray that the Lord blesses each of your through the ministry you are doing in the states no matter what that may be. Every place can be a missions field to share the love of Jesus Christ. Again thank you for your constant prayers

Thursday, August 8, 2013

First Honduras Update!

> Buenas Tardes a todos!
> I hope that you are having a splendid Tuesday! I am safely in Honduras and have been here for 4 days now. Right now I am in the mountain town of Siguatepeque in the language school that was built specifically for people who desired a greater knowledge of Spanish in order to work on the missions field. The school is also a seminary for local Honduran men and women who desire to go into the ministry field. It is a beautiful campus with a coffee farm, lots of greenery (I know my Dad would love to garden here) and a beautiful view of the mountains in the background. I am in Siguatepeque for 6 weeks of language school which consists of 5 days a week 4 hours per day. I am being fully immersed in the language and culture as even my teacher does not speak English! I am currently living in the dorms on campus in an apartment with a kitchen and bathroom all to myself. On the weekends I stay with a host family and go to church with them and play soccer with them during the weekend. There are 5 girls in the family, one mother, four daughters, and a niece. It was interesting going there my first two days because none of them speak english so I had to jump right into my Spanish.
> I am looking forward to working with Mike and his team in La Ceiba soon, but for now the Lord has perfectly placed me in Siguatepeque. Pray that I will trust in the Lord providence and perfect plans. It is by no means easy being in another country especially 4 hours away from where the team of missionaries at the beginning of the trip. There are many other American families on the schools campus which has been a blessing for sure. I even live next to a recent auburn grad (War Eagle). Pray that I will be able to adjust to the culture and love the people of Siguatepeque well. I am excited to continue in my language study of Spanish, but pray that the Lord will keep that excitement up and that I will have the capacity to learn more and more each day.
> Overall, the Lord has blessed me so much! I am so amazed by His constant presence in my life throughout each and everyday and night. Again thank you all for continuing in prayer over me, your support means more than you know! Have a blessed day!
> Today God is good.
> ~Katie Scott

Monday, June 24, 2013


        So just go back from the EDGE on Friday and wow what a blast it was. That was my 5th time at the EDGE (3 times as a camper, 1 as workcrew, and 1 as a leader). I love that place. We added 8 new brothers and sisters to the family from our FPC group on commitment night and it was an amazing night. Words cannot even begin to describe how much more I have fallen in love with Christ over this summer. It was such a picture of God's power and sovereignty while we were at the EDGE. The Lord answered every single request we brought before him. Needless to say I love that mountain top.
       One of my favorite people was on the work crew at the EDGE this year. I became friends with her while she was in 8th grade and I was a junior in high school. We grew and met together a lot in the past but then grew apart because of college and other circumstances. What a joy it has been to meet with her again this summer and see her serve on work crew. She blows me away by the faithfulness she has shown in her walk with Christ. Satan seemed to throw all kinds of obstacles and thorns in her path but she stayed true to the Lord and put her full hope in Him. I am humbled and in awe of her walk with the Lord. She really has inspired me and given me someone to look up to because even as a Junior in high school she decided that she would never give up on the Lord and that her happiness would be found in an unchanging Father that would not be separated from her no matter what. Romans 8:38-39 is such a perfect picture of how she lives her life. It says, "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Thank you for living in a way that I can follow, a way that clings tightly to this verse and says Satan bring it on because I have the love of a Father that will never leave me. I love you sister.
         Wow. There is so much I could write about this summer but it just seems to be too much for one post so I will continue to post more often especially as I am getting closer and closer to departure. I am so excited for Honduras and I have no doubt that the Lord made me for ministry in youth and on the missions field. I am so excited to see what else this summer has in store for me. I cannot tell you how much God has blessed me this summer. I owe it all to Him. If you have not found your hope in the Lord yet I encourage you to chase Him with your whole heart because He will NEVER fail you, leave you, stop loving you, or stop doing good to you. I have fallen in love with my Savior in a whole new way this summer and I hope that each and every one of you finds that joy in the Lord that can only come from Him.
        Thank you all for your support financially and prayerfully. It really does make a difference. I am excited to continue on in this journey with all of you that are supporting me. God is using both of us throughout the journey and my prayer is that we will both be changed by Him. Blessings till next time.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Way overdue

            I apologize for not updating my blog until now but as many of you know school in the spring time gets crazy busy. Well I am officially a junior in college and a 20 year old. Man does time fly. I had a wonderful sophomore year of college. I could not ask for a better group of friends, school, or church community that I have at Auburn. I have officially changed my major to Spanish and finally feel like that is the best major for me. Of course I am excited to come back to school after my trip in hopes that I will be fluent and my classes will be much easier :). I have also decided to do a global cultures minor and study Japanese, which I am so excited about both. 
             Okay on to Honduras requests and needs. I have about 50% of my support raised and I am so thankful for each and everyone of you that is supporting me financially and prayerfully. I am so excited for my time in Honduras next year. Due to schooling I have had to shorten my time to 5 months, but I am still extremely excited for this opportunity. I have never felt more at peace about where the Lord was calling me. Yes, I do get nervous at times, but I know that this is where the Lord wants me and I love that everyone is so supportive of my decision. I have learned a lot about myself and missions throughout my sophomore year and I know that the Lord still has so much to teach me about myself and my heart for missions. 
            As some of you know I am interning with the youth group at FPC in Macon this summer. I am so excited for this opportunity and I cannot wait to learn and grow tremendously throughout the course of the summer. It is so great to see how faithful the Lord has been to me even when I stray from him. Please pray that this summer would not only be a learning and growing experience, but one that would significantly shape my relationship with the Lord. 
            Again I am so sorry that I have not been able to update my blog until now. I hope to continue to update it much more often this summer and of course throughout fall of next year during my trip. Please pray that I would be able to raise all 100% of my support and that I would have a team of faithful prayer warriors behind me. Also pray that the Lord would prepare my heart to serve Him in another country for 5 months. Thank you all for your support and prayers!

2 and a half months till I leave!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Passion Conference!

               Wow it has been a crazy past couple of weeks I don't even know where to start. Okay, well I went to Passion Conference in Atlanta the 1st through the 4th of January and man was that a great way to start off the year. I was able to go with a few of my wonderful pledge sisters, but while there got to reunite with a lot of my friends from home which made it a great few days. I learned so much at passion and I wish that I could share every point with you all but that would take quit a long time.
               The first thing I really felt the Lord was telling me over and over again throughout the week was that I am supposed to work with orphans. I am not sure where or when or for how long, but I know that the Lord has called me to invest my life into working with orphans, which makes me extremely excited for the future. I also just gained a peace about going to Honduras and just felt like the Lord was saying trust me fully to raise every penny and do not doubt that I can for a second. That was so comforting just getting an overwhelming peace that the Lord has this covered, it is a lot of money to raise and it is hard to remember that I am not in control of this, but the God of the Universe is, which brings me to the second thing I learned at passion. The first night Louie Giglio spoke about Ezekiel 37:1-14. Ezekiel 37:1-10 has a heading called The Valley of Dry Bones, which I am sure so of you have heard of this story, but basically what is happening is that the Lord has taken the prophet Ezekiel down to a valley that was full of dry bones and then the Lord tells Ezekiel to prophesy over the dry bones and so Ezekiel begins to prophesy over the dry bones and the bones begin to come together and then flesh begins to appear on the bones and bodies are formed and then the Lord says to Ezekiel "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man say to the breath, Thus says the Lord God: come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live." And then it goes on to say the bodies now lived. I explain all of that so that you can get Louie's point of the talk. Louie wanted us to remember that the Lord can do immeasurably more than we could think or even ask, and we need to believe that with all of our hearts. God is the God of immeasurably more so why not just believe and trust that He will do more good for us than we could think of or ask Him for. The last morning of passion Louie finished wrapped up everything by talking again on Ezekiel 37 and he made so many good points that have stuck with me as I have moved back into school mode. Louie mentioned Isaiah 61:1-2 which says, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all who mourn." The reason he shared that verse was to say that we are all missionaries and ambassadors for the Lord no matter where we are, and that we should not go anywhere unless the Lord has anointed us so that the power and spirit of the Lord goes with us. He summed everything up by saying that the main message is that we were dead and now are alive forevermore, and that that is our identity. And that our witness to the world is the healing of our wounds and when we show people that God has healed our scars and worship God we give God his breath back. When people ask how passion was I usually respond by saying the best way I can describe it is just imagine 60,000+ 18-25 year olds all praising the Lord together.
                 I have officially started back school which has been nice to be on a structured schedule again and I really enjoy all of the classes I am taking. I am taking two languages: Spanish and Japanese which have both been really fun so far! Please pray that I will continue to spend time with the Lord daily that I won't use school and friends as an excuse of being too busy to be in the word, but that I would instead seek to spend more and more time with the Lord each day. Also please continue to pray that my financial support will come in and that I will put all of my trust in the Lord to bring the money in. Thanks for all of your support!