Monday, June 24, 2013


        So just go back from the EDGE on Friday and wow what a blast it was. That was my 5th time at the EDGE (3 times as a camper, 1 as workcrew, and 1 as a leader). I love that place. We added 8 new brothers and sisters to the family from our FPC group on commitment night and it was an amazing night. Words cannot even begin to describe how much more I have fallen in love with Christ over this summer. It was such a picture of God's power and sovereignty while we were at the EDGE. The Lord answered every single request we brought before him. Needless to say I love that mountain top.
       One of my favorite people was on the work crew at the EDGE this year. I became friends with her while she was in 8th grade and I was a junior in high school. We grew and met together a lot in the past but then grew apart because of college and other circumstances. What a joy it has been to meet with her again this summer and see her serve on work crew. She blows me away by the faithfulness she has shown in her walk with Christ. Satan seemed to throw all kinds of obstacles and thorns in her path but she stayed true to the Lord and put her full hope in Him. I am humbled and in awe of her walk with the Lord. She really has inspired me and given me someone to look up to because even as a Junior in high school she decided that she would never give up on the Lord and that her happiness would be found in an unchanging Father that would not be separated from her no matter what. Romans 8:38-39 is such a perfect picture of how she lives her life. It says, "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Thank you for living in a way that I can follow, a way that clings tightly to this verse and says Satan bring it on because I have the love of a Father that will never leave me. I love you sister.
         Wow. There is so much I could write about this summer but it just seems to be too much for one post so I will continue to post more often especially as I am getting closer and closer to departure. I am so excited for Honduras and I have no doubt that the Lord made me for ministry in youth and on the missions field. I am so excited to see what else this summer has in store for me. I cannot tell you how much God has blessed me this summer. I owe it all to Him. If you have not found your hope in the Lord yet I encourage you to chase Him with your whole heart because He will NEVER fail you, leave you, stop loving you, or stop doing good to you. I have fallen in love with my Savior in a whole new way this summer and I hope that each and every one of you finds that joy in the Lord that can only come from Him.
        Thank you all for your support financially and prayerfully. It really does make a difference. I am excited to continue on in this journey with all of you that are supporting me. God is using both of us throughout the journey and my prayer is that we will both be changed by Him. Blessings till next time.