Monday, May 13, 2013

Way overdue

            I apologize for not updating my blog until now but as many of you know school in the spring time gets crazy busy. Well I am officially a junior in college and a 20 year old. Man does time fly. I had a wonderful sophomore year of college. I could not ask for a better group of friends, school, or church community that I have at Auburn. I have officially changed my major to Spanish and finally feel like that is the best major for me. Of course I am excited to come back to school after my trip in hopes that I will be fluent and my classes will be much easier :). I have also decided to do a global cultures minor and study Japanese, which I am so excited about both. 
             Okay on to Honduras requests and needs. I have about 50% of my support raised and I am so thankful for each and everyone of you that is supporting me financially and prayerfully. I am so excited for my time in Honduras next year. Due to schooling I have had to shorten my time to 5 months, but I am still extremely excited for this opportunity. I have never felt more at peace about where the Lord was calling me. Yes, I do get nervous at times, but I know that this is where the Lord wants me and I love that everyone is so supportive of my decision. I have learned a lot about myself and missions throughout my sophomore year and I know that the Lord still has so much to teach me about myself and my heart for missions. 
            As some of you know I am interning with the youth group at FPC in Macon this summer. I am so excited for this opportunity and I cannot wait to learn and grow tremendously throughout the course of the summer. It is so great to see how faithful the Lord has been to me even when I stray from him. Please pray that this summer would not only be a learning and growing experience, but one that would significantly shape my relationship with the Lord. 
            Again I am so sorry that I have not been able to update my blog until now. I hope to continue to update it much more often this summer and of course throughout fall of next year during my trip. Please pray that I would be able to raise all 100% of my support and that I would have a team of faithful prayer warriors behind me. Also pray that the Lord would prepare my heart to serve Him in another country for 5 months. Thank you all for your support and prayers!

2 and a half months till I leave!

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