Friday, December 28, 2012

Psalm 37:4

       Tonight as I am not able to sleep again because I sleep all day long since there is absolutely nothing to do while on break haha, anyways I began to read a book my mom gave me for Christmas, I'm sure many of you have heard of it it's called Kisses from Katie. I've always wanted to read this book as I've heard from so many people that I would love it and my roommate Amy, who went to the same high school as Katie, told me about how brave Katie was and how she is so in love with Christ that she took a giant leap of faith to follow him. For those of you unfamiliar with Katie's story, she is 22 years old and living in Uganda. Katie decided to go to Uganda for a year after her senior year of high school on a leap of faith and ended up falling in love with the people there and has decided to stay for the long haul. At the age of 19 Katie adopted 14 of these precious Ugandan children, and each day Katie trusts that the Lord will lead her and provide for her. What an inspiration Katie is to so many people and to me, and it is amazing to see someone my age with such a great faith and passion for the Lord. I tell you all of that to say that in the introduction of Kisses from Katie, Katie mentions Psalms 37:4 which states, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Katie talks about how in high school she believed that that verse meant as long as she did good and obeyed the Lord and his word then He would give her what she wanted, well she goes on to explain that she now understands and comprehends that verse in a new way. I thought the exact same thing of that verse when I was in high school, that if I said and did the right things that made me look like a "good" Christian then God would give me anything I wanted, oh man I was wrong. 
       Just like Katie, I have found a new meaning for that verse and I saw it a lot as I was in Mexico this summer. I learned that the more I follow Christ's will for my life and the more I fall in love with him each day, the more His desires for my life become my desires in life. This past summer at Casa Hogar ( a Mexican orphanage I spent two months at this summer) I experienced following Christ's will for my life in a whole new way, and I saw that as I delighted in the Lord he worked through me to bring others closer to Him. I take no credit for anything I have done or been able to experience, I have been blessed to be used by the Lord and I am so excited that I am able to go to Honduras next year and see his work in my life. As excited as I am for next year, I do not want to look past the opportunities I have right here in the United States. If you have made it this far and are still reading I ask you to pray that I would take advantage of my spring semester at Auburn that I would not look to the future, but that I would remember that God can and will use me wherever I am. I also ask you to pray that I begin to prepare my heart to work as a youth intern at my home church this summer. There is so much for me to stay focused on that is before Honduras, and as I am so excited to go I pray that I do not look ahead and forget how much God can do through me right here. "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." I pray that each and every one of you get to experience the Lord in a new way in the year of 2013 and I pray that the Lord gives you the desires of your heart. Thank you all for the support and love you have shown me it has made a huge impact on me and has inspired me to keep running to Christ each day. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

7 Months till Honduras!!

                So I just found out two days ago that I am going to get the opportunity of a lifetime. I have been officially accepted by Mission to the World (the missions arm of the presbyterian church in america) to go serve the Lord in Honduras for 10 months. The more I think about this opportunity the more excited I become about this upcoming experience. I'm sure that many people are wondering why now, and why in the middle of college. Well to answer that question, ever since I returned from Mexico this summer I felt uneasy about being at Auburn next year, so I began to pray and look into many internships. The more I prayed the more I realized that the Lord was calling me to the missions field and I felt I needed to answer  that call, so I did. I know that this is a giant leap of faith and I am going to miss out on many things, but all of that is outweighed by the joy and excitement I have to go serve the Lord in Honduras for 10 months. I do plan to return to Auburn the following year and graduate a semester late, in fact it is not really an option in my mind to not graduate from college, and to not graduate from Auburn for that matter.
                My basic prayer needs for now: that my financial support will come in. I have full confidence that if the Lord has truly called me to Honduras he will provide the means to get me there. I know that this is a big financial need, but the Lord is in control and will provide. I also need prayer for my own heart, that I would prepare to be gone from family and friends for 10 months and that I would prepare my heart to serve in a foreign country for 10 whole months, where the language is not my primary language. Lastly, I need prayer for the people of Honduras that the missionaries that are there now would be blessed in everything that they do and that the people of Honduras would have their hearts softened to God's love.
              I leave in August assuming that all of my support has been raised and then will return to the States sometime in May, so that I can begin taking classes at Auburn again that summer. I am so excited for this opportunity to join the ministries in Honduras!